Full Moon Goddess Dance retreat * temple Paradiso

19 december 2021 @ 12:30 – 18:00
welcome beautiful woman
to come together in the Goddess temple with the Full Moon
Letting your Divine Feminine life energy flow, coming home in your beautiful feminine body.. through Sacred Goddess Dance, Ritual, Love, Sweetness & beyond.. in a Sacred Temple space
💖When women come together magic happens!!
✨Your Body is your Temple✨
✨Your Movement is your Medicine✨
✨Your Dance is your Prayer✨
🔥🔥Women are deeply connected with the Moon. Full Moon is a time to celebrate our Fullness, our full power. To release, letting all flow and meet the Goddess within. This full moon is connected with the Fire element ❤ ❤
in a beautiful Paradise on earth 💖☀🌿
a temple of dance
a place to re~treat our selves
in playfulness, flow, love, softness.. a sacred space where you are fully welcome, to surrender to your body, your dance, your source ❤ to connect with eachother ❤ ❤
🌿the dance
We will go on a journey of sensual movement, Divine Goddess dance, playfulness, joy, wisdom, deep connection..
The temple is inviting us to soften into our beautiful bodies, our womb space; to purify & ground. To open into our magic & mystery.
To remember our dance of heaven & earth. We will dance ancient hand mudra’s, free our hips, sensual, divine, wild, free.. letting our bodies breathe, flow, shake, surrender..
Igniting our love, fire, light.. our Divine Essence
🌿sweet sacred massage ❤
With sweet oils, loving touch, soft music, we will enjoy massage time with our beautiful bodies. With love flowing from our hearts into our hands into our body..
sharing & receiving
🌿purifying & wellness… Sauna ~ time!!!
to end the day ~ for the women who would love to join..
Enjoying the warmth of the sauna, the purification of sweating and then softly diving into the cold water in the nature garden pool. Recharging our bodies! ❤
🌿sacred voice
Welcoming our sacred sounds.. freeing, healing & expressing.. your authentic voice ❤
tickets till December 10 ❤ 49 euro
after November 10 ❤ 59 euro
extra option sauna ❤ +10 euro (cash payment!) – inform me at your registration if you wish to join the sauna
🌹register on beforehand! max. nr of seats
send a mail to marjon@dansdoorhetleven.com or a pm
welcome at 12.30, we will start at 12.44h with the ritual
we will end with tea and fresh fruits
around 17h > enjoy Sauna~time and pool
Bassevelde, Belgium
A magical place with a dance~Temple (we will dance inside!), beautiful garden, pool & sauna cave
(address will be sent at your registration)
flower herbal teas
fresh fruits
essential oils
🌹please bring with you
*bottle of water
*dress, skirt in which you feel beautiful & free
*soft blanket
*cup, plate, cutlery
*sacred Goddess symbols for the altar
*naturefood to share
if you join the sauna time
* two blankets
❤ please invite your sistars if you feel like
if you have any questions, please let me know!
p.s. no C-passport etc…. needed ❤
very welcome ❤ ❤
love to see you!
🌹Marjon is gracefully guiding from her wisdom, heart & spirit. She is deeply connected with her body in sensuality, senses, joy… She creates a sacred space for women to connect with their divinity, passion, their beautiful body, to freely express themselves. To follow their inner divine flow. She connects with the beauty & power of nature. With eachother. The dances are transforming, empowering, awakening..
🌹Testimonials vorige Goddess Temple day
❤ Warme liefdevolle namiddag. Uitdagend, grensverleggend en zo bevrijdend. Nog lang van nagenoten ❤ ~ Elien

❤ Bij het binnenkomen voelde ik me superwelkom. Door je open liefdevolle blik voelde ik me gelijk zakken, en voelde ik dat ik er helemaal mocht zijn. Fijn om de andere vrouwen te zien, het was een heel zachte energie in de groep, met ieders eigen kwetsbaarheid, liefde voor onszelf. Toen we begonnen was ik gelijk mee, je hebt een heel fijne liefdevolle bedding gecreëerd waardoor ik gelijk in mijn proces kon gaan. Ik heb me superveilig gevoeld. Ik kon tot op het bot bloot gaan. Dat was een heel mooi cadeau voor mij. Ik vond de opbouw heel mooi. Ik voelde dat het vol met jouw eigenheid, authenticiteit, met jouw liefde gevuld was. Wauw!! Het was een hele mooie bijzondere namiddag! Dankjewel voor de veilige setting en het vertrouwen ~ Sara

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