Love & Light dance into Magick & New Earth @ Full Moon & Easter

zondag 17 april
11~13 uur
de Clinch, Clinge (vlakbij Hulst)

opening into the magic & mystery
at the Full Moon & Easter Sunday
🦅🧡 🔥 welcome at 10.44u
all wonderful sisters & brothers
to have a LOVE~ing reb~BIRTHing MAGICal dance into our FULLness, FREEdom & BEing
we relax into the body, heart, spirit, our dance, the music, eachother.. exploring… into the space of MAGIC ✨💫⭐️🦅🧡 🔥
connecting with all elements of Nature, Mother Earth, Divine Light, the Universe
we will start with ritual, landing & awaking into our body through movement, breath, the floor.. and then surrender to our liberating magical healing dance, our movement as medicine, our body as temple
we dance barefoot, through the language of our bodies, sounding & singing… opening into all of our expression
we rest into our place of silence, the whispers of our heart…
we are ready for the magic!! for the light! and remember our source ❤ we are nature ❤ we are love
beautiful & wonderful music to guide & move you
💫Full Moon in Libra ❤ Balance
Allow the flame of your feminine power to be ignited under the magic of the Full Moon. Allow the warmth of this flame to remind you of the lost wisdom and magic that the feminine possesses. Allow the flame to rise, so you can bring a higher balance to the masculine and feminine energies that flow across the globe.
Celebrating Spring, Rebirth & a newwwww beginning
vooraf aanmelden door een mail te sturen ( of pm!! ❤ en meld je aan in het evenement
energetische investering:
💫23 ~25 euro
inbegrepen: verse kruidenthee & paaseitjes
graag meenemen
zachte deken
flesje water
stenen kopje voor de thee
voor het altaar ❤
gifts from nature.. herbs, stones, feathers, crystals… to birth a powerful altar
de Clinch
’s Gravenstraat 53, Clinge
een plek waar creatievelingen & free spirits samenkomen. een zalige plek om te landen, te zijn & exploreren
we dansen in de grote zaal met houten vloer, achter op het terrein
na de dans kunnen we lekker op een van de plekjes genieten van thee & sweets
❤ welkom!!!
Marjon van Dorsselaer

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