Zondag 12 mei 11-12.30h, Hulst
Celebrating Motherlove
With amazing music, dance & people
Welcome women & men to celebrate
(grand)mothers, (grand)fathers, daughters, sons, lovers, inner mothers...
<3 Treat yourself with this beautiful dancejourney
<3 Invite the ones you love or who are special for you to join you in this dance
We move, we shine, we dance, we sing, we meditate and include!
When we let joy sing with our hearts
Liberate your Heart & Soul ♥ SuryaSoul® DanceOfSpirit
Experience a beautiful guided & free dance journey of individual expression and commUnity celebration with joy and heart connection. Awakening sense of love, compassion & nourishment. Connecting with our heart, with mother earth. We meet our inner space with a gentle and dynamic dance journey.
- a conscious open dance poetry with individual and collective expression & creativity
- spirit mudra's to inspire your dance
- inspiring rhythms and music from all genres
- when listening is the inspiration for dancing
- a music embodiment where movement is a sacred ritual
- a dive into the space of sound and the infinite of silence
- when presence becomes the door of awareness
- the adventure of moving in and out of the 7 Dance Fields / Chakra energies
- the heart as the dancefloor of the soul
- barefoot dancing * no talking on the dancefloor * communicating through our bodies, hearts & souls
Cultureel Centrum den Dullaert, Theaterzaal
Sportlaan 24, Hulst (the Netherlands)
Prachtige ruimte, houten vloer, fluwelen gordijnen
Gratis parking
Zondag 12 mei, 11 - 12.30h
16 euro
aanmelden met 2 personen: samen 28 euro (vooraf aanmelden!)
14 euro voor DansdoorhetLeven leden (geldige trippen/lessenkaart/ aanZ member)
13-18 jaar: 8 euro
stuur een mail naar marjon@dansdoorhetleven.com
Iedereen welkom! Vanaf 13 - .. jaar
kleding waarin je gemakkelijk kunt bewegen, evt. laagjes
flesje water
bloem en symbool voor het altaar
(er zijn yogamatten en meditatiekussens aanwezig)
<3 Welkom!
Marjon van Dorsselaer
SuryaSoul®DanceOfSoma&Spirit teacher
Nia® cert. Blue Belt teacher