Women by the Sea ~ Dancing Divine Flow & Heart Warrior
Beach Breskens
woensdag 4 juli, 19.30 – 21 uur
Women only
Dancing and awakening into your divine sensual flow and warrior of the heart
Moving with the energy of nature, the flowing element of water
An absolutely fabulous sensation ♥
The dance
♥ A flowing cycle of free concsious movement and awakening your senses & feminine body.
♥ Dancing THE CRAFT OF THE WARRIOR: moving your body, mind, emotions and spirit using form and freedom. A Nia® inspired choreography by Britta von Tagen. Soul stirring amazing music & beautiful sacred moves. With the intention of awakening & remembering. feeling your strength & being in the moment. In connection with your true self.
♥ dancing ♥ breathing ♥ feeling alive
"A warrior generates her own happiness. True happiness is the ability to radiate positive energy regardles of external or internal circumstances,
Make a commitment to yourself and your body to generate inner strenght and deep gratifying wisdom. Dance your communication as an ancient story to create new legends "~ The Craft of the Warrior by Robert L. Spencer
Bijdrage: 12 euro
Meenemen: water, handdoek
Locatie: rustige plek op het grote Strand bij Breskens ~ hoek van het strand
Parkeren op de gratis parking bij Centrum Qi, Veerhaven 3, Breskens (links van Qi richting strand lopen, ong. 500 mtr.)
Wil je samen vertrekken vanaf Qi, dan graag vóór 19.10 uur daar zijn
Graag vooraf inschrijven! Mail naar marjon@dansdoorhetleven.com
evenement op Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/293028147935455/
Alle vrouwen welkom!
Geen danservaring nodig
♥ Marjon
Nia® cert. Blue Belt teacher